Friday, November 21, 2008


Hey so here I go... this is a challenge for everyone who views my blog(friend or not). Really try this things they will make your day better.

  1. Compliment someone else. Its will make you feel good and someone else as well.

  2. Compliment yourself. Your gorgeous!!! Believe all the people who tell you that women!! If you believe it everyone else well.

  3. Put flowers by your bed. When you go to hit the snooze it is magical what happens.

  4. Every once and a while separate your self from the world. It is a crazy place. Come on you don't need an excuse for a pedi. (And it doesn't have to be hurtful to your wallet, do it at home.)

Thats it for now you guys, it is so simple yet so changing(:


Maddison said...

Tori i flippin love you i seriously want to hang out with you sometime! ily check my blog out its love you bye

Maddison said...

Tori i flippin love you i seriously want to hang out with you sometime! ily check my blog out its love you bye